Tuesday, July 19, 2011

364 days and counting...

This is my fourth deployment to the Middle East, and in keeping with technology I decided to start a blog since so many of my friends asked me if I was going to be emailing out pictures and status updates as I had the last time I was in Iraq in 2007.  A lesson I learned from the last time was that emailing out pictures to dozens of recipients at once is extremely difficult when dealing with limited bandwidth.  Thus, a blog is born.

This go-round I'll be working in Afghanistan doing Civil Affais work for the U.S. Army.  What's that you say?  What is Civil Affairs?  Think of us as the nation building arm of the U.S. Military.  We do rebuilding and reconstruction through civil engagements, contracting, negotiating, training, humanitarian work, etc.  The ultimate goal is to get whatever country we work in self sufficient so that it can become self sustaining after being destroyed through conflict or disaster.  At present, I'm slotted to work in Kabul at the joint headquarters; however, job roles quite often change due to ever changing needs, so I'm prepared to be sent elsewhere as well.

A typical deployment lasts close to a year, so I'm considering my arrival in Kuwait as the first day in theater.  I'll be counting the days, now with only 364 left to go.

More to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to the read - we met briefly in Houston at Beaver's through Denise. Stay safe!


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