Wednesday, September 21, 2011

At it again

As is typical of the Taliban, once again they showed their ass and proved yet again they have no honor.  Yesterday, an envoy of Taliban "peace negotiators" detonated a bomb hidden in a turbin at the home of former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani, a chief negotiator in the peace and reconciliation process.  A sneaky and underhanded way to attack your enemy similar to the way they assassinated Ahmad Shah Massoud in 2001, who I mentioned in an earlier post.

What's even more astonishing is that the Taliban, who are staunchly anti-technology when it comes to dictating the daily lives of their targeted population, use a wide array of technological devices and communication forms.  What I find absolutely amazing is that the ISAF public affairs office is engaged in a "Twitter war" with Taliban spokesmen.  You really need to check this out.  It's absolutely hilarious.  They both taunt each other, and reading through the Taliban's tweets, they aren't accurate at all.  It's all very reminiscent of the communist radio broadcasts during the Korean and VietNam wars.!/ISAFMedia!/ABalkhi!/alemarahweb

The Taliban claim to speak for the people, yet they really aren't even citizens of the country.  Most are original Pakistani ethnic Pashtun refugees now living in the Kandahar region who left their own country for more fertile ground since the military dictatorship in Pakistan wouldn't allow them to practice their perverse form of Islam within its borders.  Kinda like how the English kicked out the religious nut jobs who settled the United States 400 years ago.

Fighting an enemy with no honor is a difficult task.  They don't obey the Geneva Conventions.  They don't follow International law.  And fighting an enemy that will use a "follow as I command, but not as I live" mentality is not the kind of enemy worthy of making peace.  In my own personal opinion, and I don't speak for anyone but myself, squash these cockroaches like the vermin they are.  For those who seek to plunge this country back into darkness, all I have to say is that most vermin are afraid of the light.  To the legitimate GIRoA (Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan) let your light shine on.

More to follow.

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